CHAP. 13. (13.)—DRAGONS.
Æthiopia produces dragons, not so large as those of India, but
still, twenty cubits in length.[1] The only thing that surprises
me is, how Juba came to believe that they have crests.[2] The
Æthiopians are known as the Asachæi, among whom they
most abound; and we are told, that on those coasts four or
five of them are found twisted and interlaced together like so
many osiers in a hurdle, and thus setting sail, with their
heads erect, they are borne along upon the waves, to find better sources of nourishment in Arabia.
1. Cuvier states, that in India and America there are serpents of the
genus boa, or python, thirty feet or more in length. He observes, that
there are various species of aquatic reptiles in the seas of India, but that
they never swim twisted together, or with their heads elevated. Ælian
gives an account of the great size of the dragons in Æthiopia.—B.
2. Cuvier remarks, that there are no serpents with crests on the head,
and that Juba must have been thinking probably of some animal of the
genus lacertus, when he made this statement. We may here remark, that
the "basiliscus," or "king of serpents," was said by the poets to have
a crown on its head, as denoting its kingly rank. See c. 33 of this Book.